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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Steps to bake brownies- Supernatural and Game of Thrones edition

1. Step over the Wall and procure the ingredients required. Make sure you keep a look out for the Others. Don’t forget your Colt and bullets.
2.Take the Kingsroad to return your place. Drive the Impala with care. If you meet a Lannister on the way, shoot ‘em. For everyone else, swear fealty to their house.
3. Curse Castiel for not helping you out.
4. Get home and demon-proof the place. Don’t forget to keep the salt handy.
5. Blitzkrieg the ingredients in the bowl.
6. Ignore when the dire-wolves howl, they are probably just witnessing the death of another Stark.
7.Refuse to put in most of the essential ingredients because you’ll have to go down South to get them and you’d rather not lose your head.
8. Shove the batter into the oven and keep yelling “Winter is coming” periodically at it. 
9. Take out your sword and practice ballet.
10. Find that a ghost had pilfered into your safe house and set out to burn its remains.
11. After battling a demon, and angel, a couple of hounds and saving the world from ending, come back home to find that Castiel has frosted your brownies for you.
12. Eat the entire brownie.
13. Go to hell. Return in 3 days' time to find everything exactly the way it was.
14. Wait a whole year for a new plot line.