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Monday, March 7, 2011

College Bugger Fun

We collegians are, in general, a bunch of overly excited people. Small things, tiny, inconsequential things are put up on a pedestal with a spotlight on them. Everywhere you go you are dogged by the same inane conversations. The college centre, the ladies recreational room, the library, the canteen and these days even the sporting fields.  Juicy gossip is inevitable. Yeah I know it’s our hormones to blame. Yes I even know that it’s always the other person’s fault. However, isn’t anybody concerned about looking at the bigger picture here?
Look around you. The world seems to be growing warmer.  Global warming you say? I say measure the contribution made by the “heated” minds of human beings to this alarming problem. Think you have a complicated life? Imagine a day in the life of earth. Asteroid attacks, tidal waves, tectonic plates shakeup, solar flares and gravitation of moon. To add to that it has to bear with the constant attack that humanity places on it. Bigger picture is all takes. And I’m not insanely optimistic.
College has to have all the pizzazz to make it interesting. After all it’s always other people’s distress that provides the best fodder for humour. I hear nobody complaining. Why should they? A few days of complete attention to the subjects of slander is just one of the many benefits. The others include inimitable popularity, increased interaction with seniors and the excuse to bond with certain targeted groups of people.
Of course, its extreme entertainment, better than what any reality tv show can provide. The question is: what are we taking home from it? A life time’s worth of counseling sessions for one. For some it’s the subtle art of diplomacy. For me it’s taught me to not have my feather’s ruffled no matter what.
There’s going to be a lot of clamoring and cankering both on and off campus in the days to come. It’s a quintessential part. It’s what gives us the courage to step into the thresholds of academia, brightens our day, and gives us something to think about at night. After all, what are we going to tell our kids?


  1. Firstly, love the new font.
    Parts of this entry reminded me of Easy A(watch it if you haven't already).
    Also, I know next to nothing about the environment, but why does the world freeze over due to global warming in movies like The Day After Tomorrow?

  2. I blacked out for a few seconds when I read 'asteroid attacks'. Way to scare a paranoid person.

  3. hmm interesting.yeah why does it freeze over?
    and paranoia will be a pretty interesting topic to write on!way to go!

  4. !'d like to go over n over again to enjoy all the hues n colors of ur word sketch! Way to go dear! CONGRATS!!

  5. i think the freezing effect in only in one movie (as far as i can remember) and it is caused by the combined effect of global warming and the collapse of the atlantic thermohaline circulation.

    and heated minds, i used to get the good old fever during my exams maybe thats what u are talking about. :P

    anyway, nice blog, i like green colour, and ofcourse the writing.

  6. thanks!
    yeah fever is exactly what i am referring to :P

  7. There's a different "attitude" visible in your writing. It's not conventional, neither is it imitated. It's genuine, and worth reading! :)
    keep it up!
