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Friday, June 17, 2011

An encounter of the "generous" kind at Starbucks.

The lady Barista on the right, the sweetest lady who handed me the coffee samples

You might wonder what I am doing uploading pics of random people on my blog (no, my brains haven't been eaten by zombies, they are very much intact thank you very much).  This is the photo of two very sweet Baristas I encountered at Starbucks (which happens to be the best place to have coffee, no questions asked). So the story goes like this. I was at Target shopping away the blues (actually just whiling away time, you know me), when good ol' Joe called out to me. Naturally, I complied and off I went to the counter to place my order. The Barista and I got talking. Once I get talking, i KEEP on talking. "Verbal Diarrhoea" is a very apt term for it, actually. Anyway, moving on from my shortcomings we talked about how great home brewed coffee is and how it "sucks", (excuse me english language purists, but I'm trying to keep it real!),  that there's no starbucks back home. She was, so as to speak, pretty amused by the revelation that I did  not have access to such amazing coffee. Quick as lightning, she took out a couple of instant coffee mixes and handed them out to me!. I turned into a fish, opened and closed my mouth a million times in one second and managed to splutter out a mild "thank you". Then after getting my order in hand and taking a few sips of the delicious brew (trust me, coffee helps to think), did my thinking get restored. I thanked her profusely, made her go red out of embarrassment and finally, just to make sure the colour did not drain all too quickly from her face clicked a photo of her with promise to make her a mini celebrity back home.
She had no reason to hand me out the samples. She could have at the most, sympathised with my tough luck. She could have just muttered a few words encouraging me to drink from Starbucks everyday of my blessed trip to this country. Or she could simply have smiled, taken my order and with cold indifference handed out the change and bid me goodbye and good luck.
She might not even remember that brief encounter with me. However, she will be remembered by me for the rest of my life. Whatever mix of star dust created her, she made one tiny little person extremly happy. God bless her soul!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how some people get really close to your heart in such a short time.
    I guess, simple act of kindness like these is what makes us human. :)
    A sweet article!
