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Monday, August 20, 2012

The Roller-coaster ride.

Imagine that you're on a roller-coaster. Not a roller-coaster of life, but something a little more, sinister. It's the kind of a ride where there is darkness around and yet there are moments of illumination. You've frankly no idea where you're headed. You've gotten onto a roller-coaster, but where it will take you, is anybody's guess. The roller-coaster gives you your own maneuverability. You can take control of it, stop it wherever, get off anytime you want to. However, you're inclined to just sit behind and let it take whatever course it wants to.
    You see the faces of the people you pass by, but none of them interests you. Not even one, holds your attention for a while. Deep down, somewhere really deep down, you know what it is that you're looking for. However, it's nowhere to be found.
    There are images in your head, of Utopian kinds, enough to cause envy even to the angels above. The kind that are fire-branded in your head and no matter where you look, it's those images that keep coming back to you. You know that all you have to do is look beyond the obvious and find those places, but the languor that has set it in, keeps you from it.
    You know that you need a spark, a certain something that'll shake you from your listlessness and force you to take charge of that roller-coaster. It'll sneak up on you one fine day, and before you realize it, it'll engulf you and rejuvenate you from within. When that day comes, is when all the highs and the lows on your roller-coaster ride will cease to matter. All that will matter, is steering your cart in that direction. All that will matter is reaching that destination. It is only then, that the castles that you've built in the air, will finally find a spot on the ground.

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